Friday, June 3, 2011

It's been a while

Hey everyone, check out my friend David Williamson. He's helping struggling artists to been seen. Good guy, awesome Aussie, true friend. Love yah Dave.

Friday, February 4, 2011

wishful thinking

The one and only good thing about rainy days in North Vancouver is the fact that I can get so much more done then I could on a nice day since I don't feel as bad about sitting in front of the computer for countless hours. This stuff is a bit older, but I finally got around to editing the pictures. I have to say I like the dark vibe the portraits give off. The rainbow ones just make me feel happy. Sometimes when inspiration strikes you just have to go with it, and for the last 6 hours I have been going with it. Tell me what you think.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

you've just gotta ignite the light

Here are some basic packages, of course you can always get more information by emailing me. Just let me know as much information as you can and I can give you a much better quote. Keep watching for more photos, upcoming shoots, and any other information.

Monday, October 25, 2010

no love lost, no love found

The lovely Teagan and myself spent a Sunday afternoon driving into nowhere's ville looking for an abandoned field. We found many good fields, unfortunately they had fences around them and we didn't think it would be a good idea to jump the fence of a farmer. Thankfully we found a random field that was over grown, perfect. It was literally in the middle of nowhere. And there were kids on dirt bikes near by. I think we hit the boonies on this one. However, with the sun on its way behind the horizon, the lighting was perfect. Next thing I know Teagan has changed six times, shes starting to get cold and I have taken 400 photos. I think this is one of my favorite shoots to date.

Keep watching for more.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

youve got me laughing while i sing

Photo shoot with Ms. Sarah deBourcier a couple Fridays ago. Editing is probably one of the most boring past times ever... Guess I picked the wrong career eh? This whole trying to get into Emily Carr, busting my ass every Friday even though I don't have school, is encroaching into my beauty sleep. (And we all know I need that.) But at the end of the day I remember that it's not about getting into Emily Carr, it's about doing what I love. And the lack of sleep, and countless hours of editing, are so worth it to me. So here it is, I know the anticipation is killing you.

Like O like H. I know you love it.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

i feel a seperation coming on

Finally now that I am out of school I have loads more time to take some creative shots. The lovely Kristen helped me out with this one, oh and with the help of my high school I was able to finally have some studio space. I wanted to do a self portrait shoot and ended up making it into a little bit of a fashion/self portrait shoot. The second one down of Kristen and I is by far my favorite. I don't know, what do you think? The whole gluing-feathers-to-your-face-thing not the smartest idea, but it made for some great shots. However ripping them, and copious amounts of glue off our eyelashes, at the end of it... Yeah, not so fun. I think we may have lost some eyebrows and eyelashes. Good thing they grow back right?

Oh insomnia, thanks for the effort to get this done, but please, leave me alone.